The Hudson Valley Disc Golf Podcast

74. A Look Back

Pat Keenan
Pat Keenan:

Welcome to the Hudson Valley Disc Golf podcast. My name is Pat Keenan. Boy, did I pick the perfect time to get off social media? I wasn't planning to record this week, but I got an email on Monday asking me to remove an episode or two from the pod waves. Apparently somebody heard the podcast and complained. We're not recording right now for them. We don't really care about them. I just wanted to let everybody know I would remove any podcast if somebody, who was on them, asked me to. We didn't record last week because that podcast took a lot of time to produce. We weren't going to record this week. I wanted a rest from editing, and honestly, I needed a break from hearing Jack. His voice had replaced my wife's in my head. When I made any decision, I would ask myself, will this serve their recreational needs? Everybody who records for this podcast is doing me a favor. I try to repay the favor by keeping them entertained for an hour or two and by giving them a platform to talk about Disc Golf or anything they want, even hockey, I would never release anything that I thought might hurt someone or jeopardize a course going into the ground. That being said, I did release something that may have hurt some people, and it may have jeopardized the course going in the ground. I hope that's not the case. Either way, I want to say to the WeDGE community that I am sorry. I would prefer the episode stay up so that people could hear how ludicrous the complaints are, but that is not my decision to make. I'm sure anyone who wanted to has heard them by now. Pick a Hole?

Jaimen Hume:

Hole one.

Pat Keenan:

That's a quiz.

Ryan Nelson:

All right?

Pat Keenan:

How this quiz is going to work is, it's going to be Ryan verses Jason. Jaimen only gets to answer questions that you both get wrong, and you will understand why in a moment. This is brilliant. You'll, you'll love it. Ryan, we're going to go first with you. I'm not going to tell you the category. You'll figure it out. Question one, Ryan. The township of Carlyle, in which Keystone state, doesn't have an October Fest, but they have an Octuba Fest?

Ryan Nelson:

Well, it's only a one Keystone state and that's Pennsylvania.

Pat Keenan:

You are correct. Jason. The tuba is made from what metal and belongs to that section of the orchestra.?

Jasan Lasasso:

Ah, brass.

Pat Keenan:

You are correct, Ryan, the word tuba comes from the Latin for what other brass, wind instrument?

Ryan Nelson:

Say that one more time.

Pat Keenan:

The word tuba comes from the Latin for what other brass, wind instruments?

Ryan Nelson:

Maybe a flute shape like a tube,

Pat Keenan:


Ryan Nelson:


Jasan Lasasso:


Pat Keenan:

You are correct.

Jasan Lasasso:

All right.

Pat Keenan:

All right. That almost got to Jaimen.

Ryan Nelson:

What was your guess, Jaimen?.

Jaimen Hume:

Um, I, I needed to hear the question again.

Pat Keenan:

Oh, he's waiting for the tougher questions. These, these are, these are nothing. Okay, Jason, up two to one, question four. Whose album,"Birth of the Cool" includes the French horn and tuba. Instruments rarely heard in a jazz context?

Jaimen Hume:

There we go.

Pat Keenan:

Whose album"Birth of the Cool" includes the French horn and tuba. Instruments rarely heard in a jazz context?

Jasan Lasasso:

No, I'm just going to take a wild guess. Ah, Kenny Rogers.

Pat Keenan:

But, uh, no, uh, Jason, uh, Ryan?

Ryan Nelson:

You said jazz context. I heard that Jethro Tull, who's not jazz, but used to have like crazy wind instruments in their compositions when they sort of went progressive. But you said Jazz. My guess would be Miles Davis.

Pat Keenan:

Final answer.

Ryan Nelson:


Pat Keenan:

You are correct.

Jaimen Hume:

Come on, Kenny Rogers, Jasan?

Jasan Lasasso:

I have no idea.

Ryan Nelson:

Was it on"Bitches Brew"? That would be...

Jaimen Hume:

No,"Birth of the Cool" is a whole album.

Ryan Nelson:

Oh, you said, Oh, it's an album.

Jaimen Hume:

I think the album On blue dolphin streets where it's from.

Pat Keenan:

All right. Question 5 this is back to Ryan. What bass tuba was suggested by and named for a turn of the century, American bandmaster and March King?

Ryan Nelson:

That'd be the S Oh, Sue's a phone to phone, Sousaphone.

Pat Keenan:

3-2, Ryan and Jaimen has not gotten a question yet.

Jaimen Hume:

Come on.

Pat Keenan:

We'll get there. We'll get there. All right. Question six, Jason. What tuba is named for it's spiral shape, which makes it easier to carry in marching bands? What tuba is named for its spiral shape, which makes it easier to carry in marching bands?

Jasan Lasasso:

It's a spiral tuba. I don't know.

Pat Keenan:

A solid guess, Ryan, what do you got? What tuba is named for it's spiral shape, which makes it easier to carry in marching bands?

Ryan Nelson:

Yeah, for some reason I thought the answer was sousaphone again. Because I thought that that one kind of wrapped around you. I'll call it. How about the wrap around tuba?

Pat Keenan:

Jaimen, do you have a guess?

Jaimen Hume:

So, um, sousaphones are used in marching band, but so are what we call a Contra tubas. That might not be the right answer, though. There might be a fancier name for them that I'm not aware of.

Pat Keenan:

A Helicon.

Jaimen Hume:

Oh, okay. Yeah.

Ryan Nelson:

Wait, did Jamie get it wrong?

Jaimen Hume:

I got it wrong. Yeah.

Ryan Nelson:

You clearly don't have any of those in stock at your school, in your music closet.

Jaimen Hume:

No. No.

Pat Keenan:

So who was first on that last one? Was that Ryan or Jason?

Jaimen Hume:


Pat Keenan:

This one's for Ryan. What composer designed two French horn-like tubas to be used in his opera cycle,"The Ring"? What composer designed two French horn-like tubas to be used in his opera cycle,"The Ring"?

Ryan Nelson:

If my wife listened to this, she'd kill me. Um, Vivaldi is seasons, that's kind of a circular. Um, it's like a, it's like a German guy. It's like Hahn's Frederick, Frederick Anderson. I think he's goalie from Maple Leafs. Shit.

Jaimen Hume:

Way to sneak hockey into that one.

Ryan Nelson:

Um, I'll say. Oh, uh, I don't know. Han's

Pat Keenan:


Jasan Lasasso:

I have no idea. I got a defer to Jaimen.

Pat Keenan:


Jaimen Hume:


Ryan Nelson:

It was Wagner.

Jaimen Hume:

Or if you're an in America, Wagner.

Pat Keenan:

Well, yes, I was thinking the, yes, exactly. Richard.

Ryan Nelson:

I thought it was a modern composition for some reason.

Pat Keenan:

Jasan, the name of what instrument, which serves as a tenor tuba in military bands, is from the Greek for good sounding? The name of what instrument, which serves as a tenor tuba in military bands, is from the Greek for good sounding?

Jasan Lasasso:

Wait, one more time.

Pat Keenan:

The name of what instrument, which serves as a tenor tuba, tenor, like. T E N O R.

Jasan Lasasso:


Pat Keenan:

Tuba in military bands is from the Greek for good sounding?

Jasan Lasasso:

Uh, trombone.

Pat Keenan:


Ryan Nelson:

uh, the Contra tuba.

Pat Keenan:


Jaimen Hume:


Pat Keenan:

You are correct.

Jasan Lasasso:

Yeah. Who makes the euphonium?

Pat Keenan:

All right. The score is now Ryan 3, Jasan 2, Jaimen 2. This is for Ryan. Two guys, whose names I can not pronounce, patented the tuba in what is now, what country? Two guys, whose names I can not pronounce, patented the tuba in what is now what country?

Ryan Nelson:

He said, what is now, which makes me think it's probably a European country that used to be named something else. So, Turkey, Czech Republic, a number of Soviet bloc countries. I don't know. Let's go with, uh, the Czech Republic,

Pat Keenan:


Jasan Lasasso:

uh, Russia.

Pat Keenan:


Jaimen Hume:

So, I feel like this was Adolph Sax, which would probably make it Germany.

Pat Keenan:

You are correct.

Ryan Nelson:

What's with, now this country? When was Germany not called Germany?

Pat Keenan:

I believe it was Prussia.

Ryan Nelson:

Okay, that's a good point. But when was that?

Jaimen Hume:

It was founded in 1525 and it dissolved November 1918.

Ryan Nelson:

Wow. Wow. All right. Well, shit. I guess I don't know my European history at all.

Pat Keenan:

All right. Um, this is a final question and that should be for Jason then. Right. Score right now is Ryan and Jaimen at Three Jason at two.

Ryan Nelson:

You can deduct a point for me for that Germany fail.

Pat Keenan:

In what 1936 film does Gary Cooper portray a tuba player from Mandrake Falls who inherits$20 million? In what 1936 film does Gary Cooper portray a tuba player from Mandrake Falls who inherits$20 million?

Jasan Lasosso:

Uh, lost. I have no idea.

Pat Keenan:


Ryan Nelson:

Uh, I have no idea, pass.

Pat Keenan:


Jaimen Hume:

Um, I don't know that one. I'm going to say 76 trombones.

Pat Keenan:

Good guess. What if I said in what 19, uh, Jason, we'll go back to the beginning. In what 1936 film does Gary Cooper portray a tuba player from Mandrake falls who inherits$20 million. Adam Sandler made a remake of this movie?

Jasan Lasasso:

Oh, a what's that. Um,

Ryan Nelson:

Do do do do do do do.

Pat Keenan:

Got about 10 seconds.

Jasan Lasasso:

Mr. Oh my god, what is it?

Ryan Nelson:

9, 8, 7, 6, 5...

Jasan Lasosso:

It's like Mr. Biggs or something, uh,

Ryan Nelson:


Pat Keenan:

Final Answer, Mr. Biggs?

Jasan Lasasso:

I don't know it.

Ryan Nelson:

Mr. Deeds!!

Pat Keenan:

Mr. Deeds. Specifically,'Mr. Deeds goes to town', was the original movie. So, Ryan 4, Jaimen 3, Jason 2. Jason what Hole? Keep on the front nine.

Jasan Lasasso:

Let's go to 2.

Pat Keenan:

Jason and Jaimen, you guys both played the 2021 FDR fools Fest, Tournament Director, Adam Guttman. Assistant Tournament Director, Eric Bauers.

Jasan Lasasso:


Jaimen Hume:


Pat Keenan:

B-Tier, Professional Division, they painted the circles and I assume, was it White layout both rounds?

Jasan Lasasso:


Pat Keenan:

They had spotters, on Hole 4. Yeah. Right back to back.

Jaimen Hume:

Yeah. No, they did a very good job.

Pat Keenan:

What was your day like a Jason? You guys alternate weeks sometimes.

Jasan Lasasso:

With me and Jess.

Pat Keenan:

Yeah, With the kids.

Jasan Lasasso:

Yeah. So that was my week. She had won the FA1 division the week before. Um, so I was feeling pretty good going into it and I just, it was, I think, the second worst rated tournament I've ever had. It started off really rough. On Hole 18, I had a bad kick that went OB on 10 and um...

Pat Keenan:


Ryan Nelson:

Right side?

Pat Keenan:

18 coming back. If you fade left hard, you get the right side of a tens OB.

Ryan Nelson:

Oh, I was thinking of. Yeah. Okay. Okay. That makes sense.

Jasan Lasasso:

Yeah. So kicked all the way over there. I had an Orange Disc, so I saw one in the fairway. I'm like, Oh, that's not Mine. So there's one O B. After a long discussion with my group, we figured out it was like a quarter of an inch OB. So I marked it,threw from there. Then when I went to pick it up, I realized it wasn't my Disc. So I had a misplay. Uh, and so, yeah, that was like really early in the round. And then, uh, I just, it was all downhill from there. But it was a great event. I actually really liked the circles that they did at I'm going to try my best to do that a Mine Kill this year. That really helps, I think.

Pat Keenan:

When you see the paint, and this all of you guys, do you notice that it seems farther or shorter?

Ryan Nelson:

Always shorter.

Jasan Lasasso:

Always seems shorter, yeah.

Jaimen Hume:

Well, so I actually paced it off this time and it was about, it was a couple of feet long.

Pat Keenan:

Oh really, the paint?

Jaimen Hume:

On the whites it was, yeah. We paced it out to like 35.

Pat Keenan:


Jasan Lasasso:

Still seems shorter to me though.

Jaimen Hume:


Jasan Lasasso:

I don't know, I always think that the circle is much bigger than it is.

Ryan Nelson:

Can I say that the only useful thing about these new rangefinders is that people have them and I can check whether I'm outside of the circle real quick. And when people tell me I'm not, they can just scope the band. That's actually the niftiest part of them.

Pat Keenan:

Do any of you guys have one?

Jaimen Hume:

I do.

Ryan Nelson:


Pat Keenan:

I've not used them, how accurate would you say they are, in your opinion?

Jaimen Hume:

I think they're really accurate. I'm finding out that I am very inaccurate.

Pat Keenan:

You're guessing normally? Okay.

Jaimen Hume:

It's hard to play a round with Greg Kurtz, without him asking you to gauge some kind of a distance. He's always like, all right, how far is that? And that kind of stuff. And I had never thought about it. So after playing with him for a while, I started to try and think about it and get better at it. And I've just never gotten better at it. And especially when there's snow around my depth perception is just completely bonkers.

Ryan Nelson:

I would say, if I could think of somebody that could actually make use of a rangefinder, it would be you, Jaimen. Because of how analytically and scientifically you approach your, a game with certain discs and you put a lot of angle and touch into your shots. I feel like that could really benefit you. So do you find that it's helpful at all?

Jaimen Hume:

Not even the slightest. I don't even use, I only use my range finder for course design. I have it in my bag in case there's some reason I need it, but if I practiced with it, I think it would be helpful, but I don't. I've seen a lot of people who use it and I'll always ask them like, all right. So you know, how far away are you?'Oh, this far'. Like, okay, how far are you to throw this Disc? And then they're like,'Oh, I don't know.' I think it's more information than most of us effectively process.

Ryan Nelson:

Do you think the reason that it's more useful for ball golfers is because it's easier to produce a consistent swing with a golf club than it is to produce a repeatable reachback and same level of power and spin. That it's actually difficult to reproduce shots and Disc Golf at a certain distance. That's my theory.

Jaimen Hume:

That might have something to do it, but also just the angle that you're throwing it, can increase your distance. If you flip up a over stable distance driver, you're going to get more distance with it. So I think it's just harder to tell what stuff does. I don't know particularly, but I don't think that golf clubs beat in to straight, right? That doesn't, you know. They're not going to beat in and become faster flyers or farther flyers ever. I think it's just more predictable because you have more time using it.

Ryan Nelson:

Do golf balls beat in?

Jaimen Hume:

Do they have time to?

Ryan Nelson:

I don't know. I don't play enough.

Jasan Lasasso:

I usually lose em before then. But yeah, golfs also like a triple the scale, so trying to estimate 200 yards versus 200 feet is much more difficult.

Ryan Nelson:

It's true. Yeah. Their margin of error is different. This segment brought to you by Bushnell.

Pat Keenan:

Anybody see'The Masters' this weekend or no?

Jaimen Hume:

I followed it a little bit, but I didn't actually watch any of it.

Pat Keenan:

I was going to watch the Met game and they got rained out. So, I ended up watching the back 9. It was interesting, Ryan. Pick a Hole.

Ryan Nelson:

Uh, lets go to Hole 9.

Pat Keenan:

All right. You know what? It's time for? Oh wait, I got a, dang it to happen again over at.

Ryan Nelson:

Let me guess. DisCap Tag Update.

Pat Keenan:

Why is it not.

Ryan Nelson:

It's a time for Ryan's hockey corner?

Pat Keenan:

Yeah. No, Ryan's Hockey Minute, Ryan's Hockey Minute, Ryan's Hockey Minute, oh, Ryan. Sorry. Now it's broke Ryan's Hockey Minute. Okay. I think I got it. Okay, Ryan, you got one minute starting now. Anything hockey?

Ryan Nelson:

Yes. Can I just say that Artemi Panarin, the wonder of Russia, that is on the New York Rangers, just finished his 100th game as a New York Ranger and has surpassed Mark Messier in points over that timeframe. Artemi Panarin has 138 points in his first 100 games as a Ranger. The man makes, sure,$11 million a year, one of the top players in the NHL, which I would say probably pales in comparison to what the, I dunno, first basement of the Mets gets paid. I don't know. Certainly less than Francisco Lindor and his Bajillion dollar contract. But, can I say that Artemi Panarin is underpaid for what he's doing right now on the New York Rangers? I just, I just want to say that and it's awesome. That's all.

Pat Keenan:

That's right on a minute, dude.

Ryan Nelson:


Jasan Lasasso:

I think you rehearsed that.

Ryan Nelson:

I even threw it in a Met's reference for Pat.

Pat Keenan:

I wanted to comment, but it's your minute, Um, actually a Pete Alonzo. He's still in his rookie contract, I think. So he's not getting very much, but it's still, probably more than hockey. All right, Jaimen why don't you pick a hole.

Jaimen Hume:

Is Hole 2 available?

Pat Keenan:

Yes it is. And we will in a second, but we didn't even do the results. Let me go over the results real quick for the 2021 FDR fools Fest. B-Tier professional division Tournament Director, Adam Guttman, Assistant Tournament Director, Eric Bauers. In the Pro Master 60 Division, John Garb comes in second. Greg Kurtz came in first!

Jaimen Hume:

Woo, Greg!.

Jasan Lasasso:

Yeah Greg!

Pat Keenan:

There you go. Nice shooting, Greg. Pro Masters, 40 Ian Chadwick, in third Silvio Sanchez, in 2nd, and Scott Howard in first. Both Silvio and Scott shot under par(-2) to(-3) Rose Shertick beat Becca Tucker in the FPO Division. And Pro, I'm just going to scroll right to the top, not looking anywhere else. And in third, we had Justin Choka. That's solid.

Ryan Nelson:


Jaimen Hume:

Go Justin!

Ryan Nelson:

Let's go!

Pat Keenan:

He doesn't get out there very often, I would think. So, that's..

Jaimen Hume:

No, he he's at that tournament every year, but.

Pat Keenan:

Well, but I mean, as far as, yeah, but that's,

Ryan Nelson:

Justin will play the A and B tiers in the area, if he knows there's going to be a good field. That's what he's looking for. He'll always be at a whatever they're calling Animal Fest, Warwick, a Championship. He'll be at those big tournaments for sure. He shows for those.

Pat Keenan:

Well, he shot 11 under. A Dylan...

Ryan Nelson:

He beat me in doubles on Monday, jerk.

Pat Keenan:

Nice! Dylan Capaccioli, Dylan Capaccioli, second place(-13). And Steve Brinster, I believe that makes it 9 out of 17. I don't know if I did the math right there, but he shot(-16). Won it by 3. Uh, cool. Hole three. You've also played Blatnick. How'd you do there, Jaimen?

Jaimen Hume:

Um, so I won that tournament.

Pat Keenan:

You came in first? How many is this? That's a pretty new tournament, right?

Jaimen Hume:

Yeah, I think this is the fourth one. Maybe it's a third.

Pat Keenan:

Is this your first win?

Jaimen Hume:

At Blatnick it is, yeah. The first two years, Dan Brookes Wells came down and won it. Last year, Lane Martin from Rochester or Buffalo area won it. And yeah, this year, all of my good friends in AM2 blocked out all the pros, so I won it.

Pat Keenan:

Oh, they couldn't get in.

Jaimen Hume:

No, it sold out in like three minutes. So if you weren't local and you didn't know it was happening, nobody really got in.

Pat Keenan:

Before you got on earlier, Jason was basically saying if it weren't for Disc Golf, he wouldn't even be using Facebook. So, now that you're here, we can all discuss, what, what's the answer to that?

Ryan Nelson:

You ever heard of Myspace?

Jaimen Hume:

Totally empty right now.

Pat Keenan:

Bring everybody over to Myspace.

Ryan Nelson:

Remember Tom, huge discgolfer. I will say that one thing that is very important, that not enough courses have, including the one that I support and call my home course in Easton. Is to have a damn kiosk with information about weekly leagues, when to meet and where, and the name of your Facebook group to join, to look for updates or your website, if you're as fancy as you know, WeDGE, and I'm sure DisCap has a website. I'm sure El Presidente takes care of that. And we don't have one. So, people don't know where to go to find out any information about the strange course that they've set their feet onto. I think that's a first step, it will draw them to Facebook, but I also think that you have to start advertising things outside of Facebook, which no club does seriously.

Jaimen Hume:

No, absolutely. One of the things that I'm looking at right now, and I'm just kind of toying around with it, is the fact that there's not even anything on any of the courses that points people to DisCap's Facebook page.

Ryan Nelson:

Yep. You know how you get pointed to DisCap's Facebook page? You go to the course and a bunch of Discgolfers harass you and tell you to join the Facebook group.

Jaimen Hume:

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. So, I think that we could very easily make a sign and, you know, make a billion of them and put them at all 10 billion courses up here.

Ryan Nelson:

Then they'd have to listen to the Nick and Matt show though.

Jaimen Hume:


Pat Keenan:

Jason, pick a Hole.

Jasan Lasasso:

Let's go with six

Pat Keenan:

All right. So we are going to do picks for the, this, this, I love this. Disc Golf Pro Tour, Play It Again Sports, Jonesboro Open Powered by Prodigy. First of all, why did Disc Golf companies think the phrase'Powered by' is good? Powered, but unless you're a car dealer, powered by means nothing to me.

Jasan Lasasso:

Is that better than driven by?

Pat Keenan:

Yeah. How about paid for by? Is, is all you need.

Jaimen Hume:

Cut right to the chase.

Pat Keenan:

Jonesborough open, paid for by these guys. Here's a list.

Jaimen Hume:

What was wrong with presented?

Pat Keenan:

They want to say Play It Again Sports presents the Jonesboro open powered by and the how, how do you umbrella that with the Disc Golf Pro Tour? What do they get?

Ryan Nelson:

Technically, if you host a tournament or you partner with Innova through their CFR program to buy discs, you're supposed to tag your events specifically with powered by Innova Champion Disc. It says'powered by' in quotes. You're supposed to put that in your PDGA title. So I think it's an epidemic. It's everywhere, it's embedded in the culture.

Pat Keenan:

They started it, and really what got me thinking of this is, why is prodigy doing it now? You know what I mean? Like,

Ryan Nelson:

Because Innova started and if it's not'powered by" they probably think,'Oh, only sponsored by'? They probably didn't commit as much as Innova did to these other Tournament's

Pat Keenan:

Given money by.

Ryan Nelson:

Powered is so much more powerful than presented or sponsored.

Jaimen Hume:

Pat, you should, get a generator company on board and bring it full circle.

Ryan Nelson:

Literally powered by DeWalt.

Jaimen Hume:

I'm looking at them. How are we doing it? Are we just giving you the three that we're going to win and everybody can choose the same ones or...

Pat Keenan:

Yeah, Yeah absolutely. The order matters. So yeah, you can pick the same.

Ryan Nelson:

Can we have a wild card?

Pat Keenan:

Uh, yeah, absolutely.

Ryan Nelson:

One, two, three, and wild card.

Pat Keenan:

We've discussed, and I think Ryan, you like this. We were talking about the Paul penalty and I believe...

Ryan Nelson:

It's basically the Jason rule.

Pat Keenan:


Jasan Lasasso:

How'd you guys know my pick?

Pat Keenan:

I believe it was just basically minus one for each thing, right. Like him and Paige each get minus one for whatever.

Ryan Nelson:

So if first place gets three points and you only get two, and if he gets third, you get zero points.

Pat Keenan:

Exactly and Paige same thing.

Ryan Nelson:

Yep. Yep.

Pat Keenan:

All right, so Ryan, you ready?

Ryan Nelson:

Yes, I am.

Pat Keenan:

Who you got in the FPO? And just tell me which order your doing them in.

Ryan Nelson:

Okay, I forgot about the rule. I'm going to change. I'll change.

Pat Keenan:

I only just thought of it now. I didn't even write it in my notes.

Ryan Nelson:

Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. So I'm going to go with Katrina in first. I'm going to go with Paige in second, I'm going to go with Kona in third and Missy Gannon as my wild card. My logic behind this is basically the Jonesboro course, you need power. You get such a huge advantage if you can hit a 380 to 450 foot Hyzer to flip up flat line. In the FPO and even in the MPO, if you can do that at 450 to 550, and then it's basically just upshots and the upshots look very easy, but the greens are very slopey. So I feel like Paige and Katrina are going to be able to get, they also finished like top two last year or something like that by like 14 strokes over the rest of the field. So I think that they're going to do very well. And I think Kona has that same power and she's worked on her own upshot and she's not botching putts left and right. So, I think that they're all going to do very well. And I think Missy Gannon has that power, but she also has a lot of control on the green. So she's not going to have too many putts that roll away and go crazy. So that's my logic for the FPO. MPO, I will do: Calvin to win, Hammis in second, and I'll take, well that's not gonna get me any points anymore. I'll take Nico at third and wild card. Uh,

Pat Keenan:

Oh, we're doing a wild card for each division?

Ryan Nelson:

Yeah, we can just do one. How about that? I like that.

Pat Keenan:

That makes it a little more tricky.

Ryan Nelson:

No, no, I like that. I think, either/ or, is better.

Pat Keenan:

Are you okay with Missy or do you want to switch that?

Ryan Nelson:

I Like Missy, I think it's a solid pick. It's a solid wild card.

Pat Keenan:

And that means that person, you get whatever you don't have to.

Ryan Nelson:

Let's say if the wild card places top five, maybe you get three points. How's that sound?

Pat Keenan:

I don't know about Top 5.

Ryan Nelson:

Top Three.

Pat Keenan:

Yeah, the normal. The only reason is because you pick somebody in the FPO.

Ryan Nelson:

They'd have to be sorta out. Yeah, no, I think...

Pat Keenan:

You're going to have four of the top five, right?

Ryan Nelson:

Right. No, that's a fair point. We should have a criteria for who's a wild card. But yeah, we'll tackle that next time.

Pat Keenan:

Because I don't pay attention to this stuff. I have the DD open in two weeks. That's the next thing. So we'll, we'll we'll, we'll tweak it by then.

Ryan Nelson:


Pat Keenan:

So you've got Calvin first, Hamis and Nico. Jasan, FPO?

Jasan Lasasso:

Third, I'm gonna have to go with Haley King. In second.

Ryan Nelson:

That's a good pick.

Jasan Lasasso:

Yeah, if you remember, a few weeks ago I was complaining on here that I did Skip Ace picks and Jess told me to pick her and I didn't and, uh, she hasn't got over it yet, so.

Ryan Nelson:

She's so good.

Jasan Lasasso:

I'll go with Katrina Allen in a second. And first I'll take Sarah Hokum coming off that win recently. Laying down a 1000-rated round, hope she can keep it going.

Pat Keenan:

All right, MPO?

Jasan Lasasso:

MPO, I'll do the reverse order. So, taking it down, I think Ricky's gonna win it. Ricky or Calvin. So I'll put Calvin in a second. And with the new Paul Macbeth rule, I got to find somebody else for that. Let's go with James Conrad.

Pat Keenan:

Let me go back to Ryan real quick. Did you move Paige up or did you move her down? Cause it seemed like when you realized about the point thing.

Ryan Nelson:

I think I put her at second. Right? So I'm saying Katrina to win.

Pat Keenan:

My question to you is, you seem to like change. Did you have her in third and then realizing you don't...

Ryan Nelson:

I had her to win to win. That was the obvious, I mean she won last year by like 14 strokes.

Pat Keenan:

But you want to get three points if you win, is your thing.

Ryan Nelson:

Right, right. Exactly. I prefer to hedge with second. Yeah.

Pat Keenan:

Jason just did the opposite. You didn't want to move Paul up to 2? To get him at least a point. Or, you know what I'm saying?

Jasan Lasasso:


Ryan Nelson:

He took Paul out all together.

Jasan Lasasso:

I didn't have Paul winning. Cause he was battling with Ricky in Texas, but I think Ricky and Calvin just have more potential to light it up. Although, Paul's up there too, but given the point there, it's not worth the risk.

Pat Keenan:

That's interesting, I like it. I'm liking the effects so far. Jaimen. FPO. Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, no, we got to go back to Jason because he has not picked a wild card.

Jasan Lasasso:

Oh, wild card. Is a Ezra a wild card?

Pat Keenan:

Really? This week we're doing anybody.

Jasan Lasasso:

All right, let's go Ezra.

Pat Keenan:

Is Ezra a dude or a girl?

Jasan Lasasso:

He's a dude.

Pat Keenan:


Jasan Lasasso:

10 22 rated or no, I'm looking at the wrong guy. There's two Ezra's. That's crazy. I want the, actually the lower rated guy. Ezra...

Pat Keenan:

What's his last name?

Jasan Lasasso:

Aderhold. He's 10 18. There's a higher rated Ezra than him. That's crazy. I didn't know that.

Pat Keenan:

Alright, Jaimen FPO?

Jaimen Hume:

For first place, I'm going to have Katrina. For second place, I'm going to have Haley King. And then for third place, I'm going to have Sarah Holcomb and I need a wild card for FPO?

Pat Keenan:

Well, either, you get one for either.

Jaimen Hume:

Oh, okay. All right.

Pat Keenan:

You can figure on that. Do the wild card last, Keep the suspence.

Jaimen Hume:

All right. So for MPO, I think Calvin's finally going to get his win this year. For second, I'm going to take Kevin Jones. He's in whatever that state is, Arkansas.

Pat Keenan:

KJ USA, I believe is what I've been hearing a lot at the course.

Jaimen Hume:


Pat Keenan:

From them kids.

Jaimen Hume:

I'll take him in second, I'm going to go with James Conrad.

Pat Keenan:

Okay. Did you have any of the Mcbeth/Pierce, you took them out or did you have them in there before?

Jaimen Hume:

I took a Paige out.

Pat Keenan:

Okay. Oh and a wild card?

Jaimen Hume:

Okay. So, um.

Pat Keenan:

And the rule also applies if you pick them as a wild card, I meant to say.

Jaimen Hume:

Okay. I'm going to have Chris Dickerson as my wild card.

Ryan Nelson:

That's a good one. Yeah. We need criteria for a wild cards. Can't be former US Champions.

Jaimen Hume:

Should I choose a more wild card?

Pat Keenan:

No, I'm okay with it. You know, it gets to your freebie. Uh, Jason was picking somebody he thought was 10 22.

Jasan Lasasso:

And they're only 1018.

Pat Keenan:

Okay. That's cool. Got that written here.

Ryan Nelson:

Must be one standard deviations lower than, no....

Pat Keenan:

Why not? What's a rating. It's gotta be below.

Ryan Nelson:

I'd say for the MPO, it should be between probably 10 20 and 10 40. I think 40 pushing it, maybe 10 35.

Jasan Lasasso:

Oh, so my guy's too low then I got go,

Ryan Nelson:

Oh, I'm sorry. It should be under 10 35 and should be under 940.

Jaimen Hume:

Okay, I can do that.

Ryan Nelson:

Does that sound reasonable? What do you think, Pat?

Pat Keenan:

Why not just make it a man or a woman under 10 35? Because you're getting the same point value for FPO as MPO.

Ryan Nelson:

But you don't want to have a wild card be Katrina or Paige.

Pat Keenan:

But Paige gets a point deduction and Katrina can't putt.

Ryan Nelson:

But Katrina's top five women, 10 35, 935. Is that too much?

Jasan Lasasso:

How about you can't take it out of the top 10%? Oh no. Oh no, that'd be the only three that the top three women, but... So, for MPO. That'd be a 1030 or less.

Ryan Nelson:

See, that's about where we want.

Jaimen Hume:

Should I choose my wild card?

Pat Keenan:

I think that this one's already locked in.

Jaimen Hume:

Okay, perfect.

Ryan Nelson:

You get a freebie, Jaimen.

Pat Keenan:

And it's going to be so much fun when Dickerson gets no points? You know what I mean?

Jaimen Hume:

It's like that time that I showed up to doubles and Jeff made me Cali.

Ryan Nelson:

Always nice.

Pat Keenan:

Does anybody have anything that they wanted to talk about?

Jasan Lasasso:

I'll make an announcement on a podcast. Mine Kill tournament will be'powered by a Prodigy' this year.

Pat Keenan:

Powered by Prodigy. I'm going to get a phone call.

Jasan Lasasso:

But in all seriousness, past five years, we've used Innova and this year, unfortunately they can't supply us what we need. So, I asked pretty much every major company and Prodigy gave us the best deal. And I think it's a really great deal. And I'm really looking forward to what we're going to have for the CTP throw off Saturday night, that's all I can say.

Pat Keenan:

Well, I'm sure Jaimen is already going to make a special trip because pros don't get, you know...

Jasan Lasasso:

It's AM's only.

Pat Keenan:

That's cool. No, I think that's about it if.

Ryan Nelson:

Well, all right.

Jasan Lasasso:

Thanks Pat.

Pat Keenan:

Thank you, Ryan, Jason, and Jaimen. Have a good week and sweet up Hudson Valley!

Ryan Nelson:

Pat is Hole 5 available?

Pat Keenan:

Name, the most random Major League Baseball player from your youth?

Ryan Nelson:

Nomar Garciapara.

Pat Keenan:

That's a good one.

Ryan Nelson:

That's a name that comes to my mind. He could be a pitcher for the Red Sox.

Pat Keenan:

A shortstop.

Ryan Nelson:

There you go, shows you how much I know. I'm going to get so much shit for that.

Pat Keenan:

Ah Jack, what do you got?

Jack Bradley:

Catfish Hunter.

Pat Keenan:

All right, pitcher.

Jack Bradley:

Hell yeah.

Pat Keenan:

Hall of Fame pitcher.

Jack Bradley:

I knew it.

Pat Keenan:

The name that got me thinking of this was a Kent Hrbek, Kent Hrbek played for the Twins back in the eighties with Kirby Puckett.

Ryan Nelson:

Does Dustin Pedroia still play for the Red Sox? He was always my favorite player.

Pat Keenan:

I think he might've just retired. If not this year, recently.

Jack Bradley:

Is Catfish Hunter, a disc?

Ryan Nelson:

Oh man. We really got some B roll going here, Pat. That'd be good.

Jack Bradley:

That'd be a great Disc, right? For guys playing near ponds, you got a Disc called Catfish Hunter.

Ryan Nelson:

Well, now we've got the Disc that are attracted to trees.

Jack Bradley:

Yep, this one is attracted to the bottom of the pond. Catfish Hunter.

Ryan Nelson:

It sounds as if,

Jack Bradley:

Oh, he's in, he's in,

Ryan Nelson:

Joe has arrived.

Jack Bradley:

You're in.

Joe Gesick:

I am here, I made it.

Jack Bradley:

Yes. Hello.

Joe Gesick:

I'm actually remote in Manhattan right now.

Pat Keenan:


Jack Bradley:

That's exciting.

Joe Gesick:

I just got a two and a half hour tattoo.

Jack Bradley:

Oh, of what?

Joe Gesick:

It's like, there's a statue of Hercules in the Cypriot wing of the Metropolitan Museum. So I had like his bust put on the inside of my bicep. He's a guy who's where like a bear skin.

Jack Bradley:

That's awesome.

Joe Gesick:

Pretty cool. Actually, it hurt like the Dickens!

Jack Bradley:

I got the needle today too.

Joe Gesick:

Ooh. But not, but

Jack Bradley:

I only, I only let him put it in once.

Pat Keenan:

Is that the one? It is the only one.

Jack Bradley:

Yes. Yeah. Yes.

Joe Gesick:

You got a single? I got one more. I got my second one on April.

Jack Bradley:

Right on.

Pat Keenan:

Do you have any concerns either, either way? Like Joe, are you like, why did I get 2? And Jack, are you like,'Maybe I need a second one.' Any of that?

Jack Bradley:

This is the first one that came up, so I took it and there appear to be pluses and minuses to both, but they're pretty much insignificant, so.

Joe Gesick:

I think I was just like a three weeks behind the single dose when I signed up. So they were still had the Moderna, I think in our area.

Ryan Nelson:

Both reduce hospitalizations by like 99%.

Evan Keogh:

The point is, don't die, right.

Ryan Nelson:

That's it. That's all you want.

Jack Bradley:

I'm not going to the hospital and I'm not going to die.

Ryan Nelson:

Yep. Yup. Check. Sign me up.

Pat Keenan:

Due to COVID

Jack Bradley:

Due to COVID.

Joe Gesick:

Due to COVID. A bus will still kill you.

Jack Bradley:

No, I drove away today thinking: Okay, I've eliminated like one of the 10,000 things that're gonna kill me.

Joe Gesick:

Yeah. It really is more for other people. I wasn't worried. I was sure I got it the first day. It was like announced. I'm like, I'm pretty sure I got Covid.

Pat Keenan:

On that note. Welcome to the Hudson Valley Disc Golf podcast. My name is Pat Keenan.