The Hudson Valley Disc Golf Podcast

71. Not THAT Joe and Evan

HVDG Episode 71

i wanted to start tonight by paying
tribute to joseph mason proud
also known as joe lick proud or joe
lick me proud joe proud for those
who don't know and i think in our area
there are a lot of people who don't know
was it it hurts to say was was a
legendary tournament director disc golf
organizer and course architect
in connecticut and uh we lost him
this week what i wanted to do was read
some words from his friend dave murad
i didn't know joe well i only met him a
couple of times
and i certainly don't have the right
words to memorialize him
but i'd like to read this from dave
murad the disc golf and flying disc
sport communities have sadly and
unexpectedly lost one of their finest
members in the affable and emittable
mason joe proud joe embodied his passion
for flying discs through his direct
involvement in various organizations and
events and as an avid flying disc
he positively affected and influenced a
wide audience of peers and admirers
by way of his friendly demeanor sheer
and unique charm those that were
fortunate enough to know or meet him
will sorely miss his commanding presence
at time when the
sport of disc golf has seen a tremendous
growth in popularity and notoriety
as a note of reverence we highlight some
of the accomplishments
and capacities joe has served in his
time with us
he was vice president of the new england
flying disc association or nifa
he was the connecticut state coordinator
for the pdga
he was a member of a team that proposed
and implemented the design for the disc
golf course at wickham park
and at panthorn park he was captain of
team wick
four championships with new england team
challenge he was tournament director of
the new england overall flying disc
he was a tournament director of the
greater hartford disc golf open since
bringing the event to a prestigious a
tier status in 2012.
he was the inventor of a hybrid flying
disc sport called
zephyr played on a lacrosse field he was
a recipient
of the innova course steward award an
inaugural inductee
of the connecticut disc golf hall of
fame in 2020
joe leaves behind his beloved and
illustrious wife
mary his daughter sarah his son joseph
and his daughter-in-law teodora made joe
and the innumerable memories created
ever forward we love you lick in
huge loss huge huge lot he's a household
in disc golf in connecticut you know in
most of massachusetts and most of new
really and it's a it's a huge loss it
was unexpected
and that entire community is reeling so
i grew up in
massachusetts and i didn't really start
playing disc golf until
i had already moved down to to jersey
living out of hoboken for a while
and when i was learning to play i spent
a lot of time at greystone and camp gaw
it wasn't until i went to wickham for
the first time when i was
back at my parents house that i was
actually like wowed
by a disc golf course so i mean it just
such a loss i mean and that's just one
of the many accolades that i just heard
i mean being a state coordinator that is
like such a
thankless job and it's a difficult job
and it's a job that somebody will only
volunteer for
if they are a really selfless individual
that loves
the sport of disc golf so that's i i'm
just you know i've never met him but
you can just tell by the amount of
reverence you you hear
about him online but also just all the
roles that he filled that jack just
listed off
laundry list i mean holy cow you could
just tell how much
you know disc golf meant to him and he
made it a part of his life
so it's such a loss i think people
should know who he is
yeah sure you know really everybody
should know
there's a guy like this you know we're
regional right
not everybody is going to affect
the whole country or the whole seaboard
with what they do with
the ways they can reach but this was a
man who
certainly reached this this far you know
and anybody who went
and played tournaments up in panthorn or
certainly at wickham or has even played
wickham or pantheon panthorn doesn't get
without joe proud even just playing you
courses that are on his laundry list
owes a debt of gratitude to the guy
i just wanted it paid very nice yeah
there's that um
one of the holes that wickham forget
exactly which hole it is but
it's um top of a hill and you
six and you can see hartford in the
you know the skyline in the distance and
you're just like wow
that was the first time i stepped on a
t-pad and i i was just like wow and i
just yeah
that's a great looking home and then
then you look at the sun you're like
it's a 600 foot part three
thanks yep and now i understand that now
i understand that
it's it's it's potentially doable with
the price yeah yeah
this is damage i've done it once
every other time i seem to throw it
either all the way across the field in
the woods
or uh most of the way to hartford yep
yeah i've penetrated that that left side
of woods more times than i'd
care to admit anyways but thank you
thank you for that jack
my pleasure very least i could do
welcome to the hudson valley disc golf
podcast my name is pat keenan
i'm joined by jack bradley and ryan
nelson tonight as we have a couple of
uh before we get to them however we need
to do a quick check in
jack how many holes are done at saxon uh
zero holes pat all right still not done
uh when when jack told me he can get joe
and evan on i was torn
because i can deal with evan but that
joe benigno guy
no thank you then he eventually cleared
it up and i found out it was joe and
evan from wedge
that's when i realized that this was
jack's ultimate revenge for all the
trick questions because i now have to
gesic and keo yeah and i pronounced them
it's not easy i got them both well joe
yours was kind of a cheat i learned this
with ron gillardy
you're right harji yeah well because
then what does jack drive if right i
know i know
but i figured it out so but evan it's
always a guess with this
well i mean you want to get technical
it's actually kyo
if you want the irish way but uh you
know kyo is perfectly acceptable for me
it's a silent you know it's one of those
you know ghs
silence gotcha i don't know all right
well i i thought we could learn about
you guys uh
which of you first learned about disc
golf i'm let's see
2003 this is my first heaven
this is like my seventh year well
okay i first my daughter's eight and i
playing like six months after she was
so seven and a half years okay so that
means joe you were first
i was first you said 2003 how did you
discover disc golf
um i was visiting a friend down in north
who live in asheville and he was like
you know and he's an old deadhead hippie
friend of mine
and he was like come play some disc golf
joe the hell's disc golf he's like
you don't like it i'm like okay so you
gave me like a clear champion
spider which i wish i still had and we
went to the woods and we played this
course in asheville
and being a good hippie at the time i
thought was the greatest thing i ever
but also being a good time i didn't
think much of it afterwards i just
thought it was uh some one-off
in hippie asheville i came back to new
york and i was
working in armok and in around 2005
a guy i was working with who was another
younger hippie of some sort
he was like hey you know i kind of for
some reason mentioned
this thing i didn't astral like just
gone he's like disc golf there's a
course right here in kisco i'm like what
because i hadn't played for like three
you know since i tried it that one time
i just didn't think it existed
he said there's a course right here i'm
like there is let's go play
and then from 2005 that was it i just
started playing you know locally at
kisco because i worked right down the
i was literally like eight minutes away
and i played cranberry a couple of times
because i just looked online to see
where disc golf course was and then i
about a tournament that was happening in
fdr now again i know
nothing i think i have three discs i
show up because of what you know
the website said there was a tournament
i show up at the day of the tournament
and it at the the house and all the
discs are laid out i'm like whoa
i just had no idea and i see like people
everywhere throwing discs like i was
throwing discs
50 feet 100 feet and then i see these
people throwing discs like hundreds of
i'm like what the can i
say can i play they're like i'm standing
with my three discs can i play today and
they're like
no you gotta
do this and then and then i spent
another bunch of years just
playing with some friends of mine not
like not keeping score not
just really sucking at it for five years
just never getting any better
at all until one day i'm walking around
kisco and i see some guys and i guess
they're playing it was a tuesday dubs
you know and they're like well i'm like
what's this i said there's more than
five people to play disc golf they were
there's tons of them maybe dozens at
i started playing some tuesday and then
i started playing some league
and that's it and it ruined
do you remember when that was that you
if uh kisco tuesday dubs
i would say 2005 was the first time i
wasn't terrified to like play with other
like and i just did suck still i sucked
for a long time
but that made it all better all the the
turned everything around kind of made me
just as a person everything threw me out
and i got to get all the people and just
got better and better and better
as all the years went on uh so evan you
started this is
2003 i had just dropped out of syracuse
bumming around manhattanville university
where my uh my best friend from high
school was going to school
and i had you know hooked up with some
of his friends
and one of the dudes he's on nasa now
ned eisenberg shout out to ned he's
he said dude there's this thing and it's
called disc golf and we should go
play and you know being uh you know a
bumming around to college i you know
that's nothing to do
that sounded pretty good so um we also
headed up to kisco
first thing i did was uh try to catch
one of his drives
and uh luckily was my left hand put a
you know i had a bruise on my hand for
about a month
oh i learned quickly not to do that
he's coachable and i you know just had
you know had my first round of kisco
got totally lost because there was no
signage and no
t-pads and half the baskets were broken
and it seemed like you know a pretty
okay thing to do but like joe
like you know i didn't see myself doing
it regularly you know so
over the next you know six years or so
i'd play like once or twice a year
and it you know was kind of fun but i
never i didn't really catch the bug
until my daughter was born and then
i was taking care of her and once a week
my mom would watch her for the whole day
and they're in chapel
also that's right next to kisco so i
needed something to do for a whole day
and i started to make a weekly adventure
out to kisco by myself
and play i could probably get like three
rounds in i was doing a time because
you know after a couple weeks you know
how it gets those
well once once it gets in yeah oh no
uh so yeah i was playing about 72 holes
a week on one day
and um eventually i feel like the first
person i ran
into was kimmelman naturally i think
that's often her name when it comes to
the yeah what's just miss golfer
the first person you're likely to run
into is dave i think i found one of his
and called him and then he chatted me up
a bit and encouraged me to you know come
out and
come to fdr and check out doubles and it
just you know just started to
to meet guys in the club and then um i
decided to play
my first tournament was um the
ice bowl at kisco that was the
tournament that
that everybody decided like either the
course should be destroyed or we should
that it was the mud bowl the mud bomb
that was my first and that like
honestly i have to say i don't think
i've played in a more fun tournament
since then
i mean i was in you know i was wrecking
and i was just having an absolute blast
you know i can see you know if anybody
was taking taking it serious they might
not have had so much fun at that
tournament but for me
it was you know that really set the hook
that was a turning point
for a lot of things but one of the most
critical things like disc golf wise was
i forced daver to watch steve brinster
throw ankle deep in mud from a t-pad
yeah this is what i remember the clear
oyster brinster was standing ankle deep
in mud in in an alleged t-pad and uh
right right there at at lunch it was
daver that announced we were gonna redo
all the d-pads
i think it was 13 that's the whole i
remember him on particularly just like
deep in mud just like i was like he did
had a great shot
he shot lights out yeah those are like
the catalyzing moments though where you
you feel
embarrassed for your course and that's
when you finally find the initiative to
do something about it
especially because for what kisco was i
mean it had the stigma of being an old
steady ed course it had
you know at least for someone who's just
starting to learn about the game it's
like oh it's a little mystique you know
this is a special place it's old it's
been here forever you know
and then to see it kind of like be like
that but also i don't think i knew
anything about
better courses at the time like i think
maybe cranberry was like the highest
quality course i'd ever played at
before like that notorious mud bowl you
right do you think that any of those um
you know quirks about a course are
charming i think about
the baskets at buzzies all right so
kisco used to have
those baskets actually
so kisco's baskets were were
patent-pending so there's a distinction
made between those and the ones that
buzzes i
can't remember if one of the kisco ones
went to buzzy so uh so yeah i do think
that that's
charming and i think like having a
affords you the luxury of
having a charming course and you know we
thought about
those baskets long and hard before we
decided to replace them at gesco
but we weren't feeling particularly
luxurious with nothing but kisco
and fdr which also did not have the best
innova baskets at
at the time and you know made a decision
a very conscious decision to take out
something that was nostalgic
in favor of something that had any
chance on god's green earth of catching
did you think about going with the older
style new basket
mach 3 is is i would say would be the
and we did and we petitioned dga
really long and really hard on the
notion of
hey this is history and you know we'd
love to put dga targets in here
and you know would you you know please
submit a bid that's competitive enough
you know that we can keep this course a
dga course and they came in
with by far the highest bid
and now we're sponsored oh he lost this
interval last week might as well
i'm gonna tear it all down joe which of
the two would you consider your home
as of today as of as of today today i'm
in westport as at the moment so
the closest course i've gotten to play
on the regular is like waving me that's
coming a long way and um and bridgeport
i mean
generally when i was just before i left
harrison we're actually when i was still
in ridgefield fdr was
always my home course first yeah fdr
kisco and then
everyone else that we can get to on the
weekends you know where else we're just
trying to hit up just to change it up
oh yeah evan what's your home course
closest course
i mean i am equidistant between kisco
and fdr
i would say i play i play fdr more but
you know kisco will always be you know
where it all started for me
one of the first times i i remember
meeting joe
it was either shortly before or shortly
after wedge was
officially incorporated and joe was
working at a
printer fulfillment house print and mail
is that
is that about right am i describing it
yeah it was a it's like corporate
production place we did
trade show meetings and every little bit
of paper you know
videos to print of everything a to z yep
yeah i still have my
fdr fools fest hole sponsorship
hole 13 that i believe you did it's
hanging on my wall right now
for beating glades nice probably
do that for a couple of years well that
was also when disc golf was a poor poor
and everyone you know you're a treat
we wanted to do a thing for whole
sponsors and uh yeah that was awesome
that seemed to be a cool thing
but joe had volunteered to print up
score port cards and scorecards
for us and oh i said no you would also
printed us like a big check like yeah we
did some
a couple yeah for uh for food bank so
that if we
raised money for food bank joe princess
you know one of those big checks that
give to people for photo ops
and i had gone to pick it up at the
shop and i got there and started talking
to joe joe's just got this
smile on his face he'd become so engaged
disc golf and was so happy to be doing
stuff for disc golf
and we must have talked for over an hour
in the shop that day and joe was
just you know he was one of the first
people who was telling me like we got to
do more we got to get more
more people and more courses and he said
a thing to me
that i will never forget i say it all
the time when i
when i talk about disc golf and
community because
i think there's a pretty quick
recognition that
if you're the type of person that disc
golf bites
into and keeps then you're bound for a
whole bunch of new friends
and i had said to one of my best friends
pretty soon before that a good friend of
mine who was trying to get me to meet
friends of his and uh i snapped him and
i don't have time for the
friends that i already have i don't need
one other new friend
this is before i started playing disc
and so you know i meet joe and joe
is is smitten with disc golf and he sees
the community and he's like
i'm 40. who makes new friends when
they're 40.
and i'm like i guess us us
but you know you keep telling other
people like i still i just i'm just in
manhattan right now i just spent a
minute in the house and i met somebody
here who's never heard of this guy
right cool person excellent and you just
know you know
certain personality types i think they
show up everyone i've brought who's
never played this copyright bring them
to a course
and they meet other players every single
person has this
sensation like what is this group like
why are you like
you know because you could show up and
say hey if you see some people you know
you can join in and play people with
just golf or you can say hello if your
disc golfer sees you and knows your disc
golfer will say
something to you and it's a very unique
in sports i think i've played other
biking nobody acts like this weirdos
cause anywhere i've been so far i mean
i've done you know what i've done
arizona and florida
anytime i've met them they've all been
you know disc golfers so far
every place that i've moved to i mean
it's mostly been in the northeast but
want to move down to pa
same experience florida same experience
i feel like it's a lot like uh like jeep
owners you know you're driving in your
on the highway deep owners yeah the hell
walking around walking around waving at
everybody exactly
it's like a secret club uh so evan you
and joe
seems like you started actually getting
into disc golf around the same time
when did this desire to add new courses
i mean after the kisco project probably
you got to take care of the course you
have before you build a new one right so
um after that was done yeah i was just
i was thirsting for another project for
sure for the uninitiated what is the
kisco project
is that just new baskets and t-pads it
was yeah
mainly um the t-pads was the big
and signage it really was a complete
renovation of the course
it also yeah did some new holes get the
the course had uh
had sort of fiddled its way up to 21
holes and
maybe had about 12 signs zero tee boxes
and some of the targets were held
together by i you not
sounds like a hell of a project and so
it was a hell of a project it was quite
an undertaking and not only that but we
had to
pitch the entire thing to the town
who hasn't always been the most
receptive to the course
you know i'll to my own horn i feel like
i put a presentation together
that made that board feel proud of of
the course
proud of its history and you know what i
thought they should have and by the time
you know and it's it's not like they
were paying for it
i basically said you have a course that
was installed by the man who's
considered to be the father of disc golf
you don't know what disc golf is but
here's what it's turned into
and you know again it's like it's videos
it's a stack of pdga
you know disc golfer magazine and you
know this is what disc golf looks like
in the rest of the country that you know
this is what your disc golf course looks
like and
we you know we're going to bring in 12
15 grand and lots of labor and
completely renovate your disc golf
and they were under no obligation to
obviously keep it there
could still throw it out anytime they
wanted dave coats
has a lot of records about how it went
in and why
but he has the names of like some cops
on the kisco police department that
helped ed
put the course in helped dig holes and
put baskets in they paid for the course
no i i think steve paid for the course
i don't know that for a fact but well
back then then the course just
basically consisted of baskets yeah it's
just the baskets patent pending that
they were that new that they they didn't
even have the patent for disc golf
yes he didn't he had applied for the
patent but he didn't have it
most of those baskets still have you
know i mean they're they're all
privately owned now but
most of the mine mine has a sticker on
the back says patent pending
that's awesome do you want to hear an
interesting piece of
disc golf trivia about the uh
well i guess just something i heard it
during the the dave dunn and pace
interview with nate sexton
and i just did not do this maybe you
guys do apparently
if you wanted to purchase dga baskets
from steady ed
he had to approve your course so he
would not
sell you 18 baskets unless he actually
had an opportunity to
determine whether your course was worthy
i greatly wish
all manufacturers would enact that right
now well then you can blame
innova because when they came out with
the disk edger
it was the first set of baskets you
could buy and not have to go through
to improve your course so you can play
minova for that advances in
do you mediocrity jack being asked like
when we're just trying to figure out
what kind of pads we want to be
put in there and i remember somebody
saying you know do you want these to be
five-year pads or
20-year pads that's like 20-year pads
like these
we're doing this right we're doing it
one time
i think it was like at the height of the
hipster area too that we did it i mean i
felt like
because of the way the course is laid
out too you couldn't drive to all the
holes necessarily everything was like
more handcrafted yeah like the kind of
course it was too it's like
yeah it definitely was like slapping on
pads everything really had to be
finagled yeah those were difficult
builds i mean every
build was a difficult build except for i
don't know hole one so our biggest
mistake was the
original whole 18 oh my god we used all
the backfill
yeah there's like 20 like massive
boulders that we decided to take out
so we can go down six inches even though
i know i remember john i mean
yeah i really just need you to dig six
inches you didn't need to
these giant boulders in fact this is
much worse
i should say if you haven't gleaned it
already joe and evan
were ever present in those t-bad builds
it sure sounds like it yeah yeah yeah
and and lots of guys were
i don't want to short anybody you know a
lot of people came out somewhere
i mean a lot of them was like you know
designing on the fly too
yep figure out how we're gonna lay this
out how are we gonna do this here there
was a lot of talent a lot of talent out
there especially uh
you know one of the ones i'm actually
most proud of
is is eleven it's eleven which keo and i
built solo
that's beautiful and i was like you know
if this thing sinks it's only you and me
i think it's holding up pretty well it
is it's holding up great every time i
see it i'm like yeah me and keo
i mean the worst effects that have
happened at the course is from vandalism
on the pads
yeah structure themselves as
everything's held up there's a couple
that need help um
a little sink on the pimple alley on
pinball alley
and that is happening because we put the
item four in frozen
right and there's nine there's a
basically everything has sunk uniformly
except for one paver which i
know is like stuck on a rock that we
should have
blasted we were we're out of time it was
like late in november
oh it was the last build because it was
the hardest build and that's how john
and i like to roll
let's get the easy ones out of the way
but it was the last build there's a lot
of wood in it and it took a lot of fill
and the fill was frozen so guys were
chipping away at it oh cheers
pickaxes and then carrying it over in
you know whatever you know
so we had the item four in a huge pile
but yeah some of it's still there too
yeah yeah so and it shall it ever be
i don't see that going anywhere you've
mentioned uh john
a couple times who's john john carr
john garber is our kind of like lead
yep and he will be uh he remains our
lead engineer so
going into uh fdr this spring we're
going to
do all paver tees for the 17 holes that
don't have them yet and then we're going
to do nine
turf t's in the front and john will
again be
lead engineer in fact ryan korsakowski
has also
signed on yep so uh that's that's the
band back together bro
oh that's it thank you i got to say this
that ryan was in the front of the first
that really got me into the fold because
i was like walking around the course
saying like well these guys must be so
cool and they're so smart they
designed courses and boy maybe one day
if i'm lucky
i can like you know give a suggestion
about a hole
he kind of ran into ryan and went over
this he's like just show up
turns out it's just us
is there room for another course at fdr
i think a small one i think a niner
we're talking about in the pool area so
bill's been asking they've been saying
pretty much
yeah and they've been like saying where
and then bill goes and he looks where he
thinks they mean
and then he sort of shows it back to
them and they're like no no no that's
not where
but i i believe we've yet to actually
have bill
and whoever's making decisions there at
the park on the same piece of land at
the same time
i think we're close to getting that and
i think as soon as we do we'll probably
haven't approved it
bill is looking to build a
beginner-friendly nine
that has an environmental
learning component to it so the t signs
would include information about the
whole but they'd also
include information about environmental
impact and species
and watershed and stuff like that cool
and that's what i think is what will
also pop up at fdr
that's why i ask these goofy ass
we don't have at least an eastern pa we
don't have a
beginner-friendly course when we were
talking to jamin last week he he talked
about how
upstate he's designing within an
ecosystem of course is because they have
so much damn land up there that you know
not every course has to be a
championship course
so he's designed some smaller ones and
in easton we do we don't really have
that we we've got
hackett park is my local course and it's
you know the first three holes are chip
and putt but then
you know hole four is like a 550 foot
bomber downhill
and you can't even see the basket so
it's not very beginner friendly
the reason i'm curious about all this is
because you know i would love to get
something smaller in that's more
beginner-friendly if we were to work in
any sort of
curriculum into our easton school
physical education program they'd have
nowhere to go and that's a problem
i think that with fdr if you play the
layout it's relatively beginner friendly
would you say so
in westchester i don't think so no guys
uh you believe the yellow layout is
beginner friendly
um um i mean it depends up again if it
me beginner like i'm just trying my
beginner days before i
yeah when i first started playing fdr we
didn't have the traditional yellow
so it was more beginner-friendly i mean
i'd be hard-pressed to
feel confident playing around again
how about that i'd feel good i'd have a
nice time out there the back nine i
think is probably
the most scary yeah that's true that's
good this is just i can't throw that far
they're like i'm gonna throw it five
times before i get to the green
yeah it's just you know you can't
beginners in 500 foot holes don't
well seven is also yeah that was just i
was going to sit here
for you throw into the swamp or throw it
into the river it's just
for beginners yeah so we have it there i
mean was it didn't we have flags now
in all the short positions at fdr yes we
do so that's a big
that's like that race course soon
there's going to be t's
right so so the answer is yes so there
will be a
and only in the front you don't need
more than nine holes that's where
beginners should be playing anyways like
right right as someone who's going to
play that front
i like the idea of a beginner 9
someplace else
right yeah
right because even kisco the short
course is not
so beginner friendly i mean just
challenge-wise technically-wise it's
you gotta be playing for a bit before
you can like oh i just played around
with disc golf
beginners it kicks my ass every time i
go out there i don't think i've ever
gotta keep going have you guys ever been
out to new jersey and played harry
dunham park
i have not it's close to graystone woods
it's about
i'd say maybe 50 minutes west of
manhattan into jersey on 78. and it's a
matt the court designed and it's it's a
nine hole
with a short and a long pad and it's
just plays around the park is relatively
and there's a walking path that goes
around the whole thing and there's like
a playground in the middle and some
pavilions and
it's you know very conducive to a kid
playing on the playground seeing
people throw discs around getting
interested and playing nine holes
you know but i i feel like those are
kind of tough to come by
courses like that and they're valuable
but they're not really the priority of
people like us right
obviously you see whole families out
playing now
you know the gambit of i mean beyond
playing people like have absolutely no
idea about
ready to play or flow they're just out
there you know about it they have a disc
when they're playing a plane right
that's also a separate course
in the same area and so when i say a
beginner-friendly course
by the end of that first day second time
you know mom and
kids play they start to score
you know they start to get some pars
maybe get a bird and that's what i mean
when i
when i say beginner friendly layout i
think there's got to be a beginner
friendly that's not necessarily also
beginner 15 year old friendly that
somebody who's necessarily going to
develop into a great player they're
going to be sure
and of course there are people who are
40 and 50 who are pretty much
that's as good as they're going to get
they play a full round get some exercise
and play
that's good enough like i said like our
remember like the church group the
taiwanese church group
absolutely they were playing they loved
it they would have loved to play
nothing was within their zone and they
would never advance past that they would
never get past the beginner
tease that that would be at their limit
but it would be there for them for
all those type of folks that are never
going to progress to
big holes you don't think a 80 year old
asian lady was going to start
you got to try she's going to try real
long what i will say is that as is
that 80 year old lady is walking an 8
000 foot course to play 18 holes and
that's too far
you guys want to play 18 holes yep yep
well let's try to get through nine
um you know who you've got on the call
here pat
uh so yeah stick with the front nine for
now we'll see how far we go
uh evan what hole would you like to play
uh great jack what score would you
or anybody but uh jack what score would
get you a 900 round on yellow at fdr
and also on white in your opinion oh boy
uh a 900 round i
expect that uh it's probably
par plus one on yellow and maybe
par plus three on white really that
i don't know joe i don't know how a 900
on yellow i would i would throw it at
least like three
or three to five hundred par because i
think have five under par there
everything might remember any tournament
i think four hundred it's only it's like
eight sixty eight eighty
it was like three under car is eight
something right
right i think it'd have to be at least
three to five under
900 plus what do you think of them oh i
have no idea
i don't know how these things are
calculated ryan i
could only tell you what 900 gets you at
hackett park these days
i haven't played fdr in a while i
figured and you probably haven't played
it since the color swap and everything
so yeah
but i will come up this summer and i
cannot wait
all right pat what's the answer bet do
you happen to know
no oh jesus he's crowd sourcing his
answers come on
he just writes down he's right ask
questions that he wants to know the
answer to
and then he has a podcast to try and get
absolutely um who picked that first uh
are we playing teams here what's the
deal oh well you got to get to a trivia
question we got to get to it yeah right
what what uh
i got ahead of myself i'm sorry that's
okay uh we'll pick a hole then jack
uh i'll pick a whole uh give me uh give
me seven
what if there was an option on disc golf
scene where you could sign up for
multiple divisions at a time
and you could prioritize them based on
preference like i want to play this
but if i can't if it's full i'll play
this i heard a lot of people complaining
having to do a second sign-in yeah what
do you think uh
it hurts my head to think about this it
it hurts my head to roll over like the
that get put out there from the heads of
people that have
no idea what it takes to run an event
what if what what if disc golf scene
could prioritize it first choice second
choice i guess that's
good so let me take it from the user
standpoint right i'm gonna register for
a tournament
i'd like to play ma40 but i'd settle
for m1
somehow if ma40 isn't available it
automatically you know runs me down to
m1 i guess as a user i like it i got a
better chance of getting into the
than if i was division specific and then
the only reason this is important is
because tournaments are selling out
in a matter of minutes these days
you know seconds so i i think it's a
it's a good
it would be a good fix for the current
situation that we we are all
it would be a band-aid on one issue yeah
yeah people who said i had to sign up a
second time
all right uh ryan what whole let's go to
did we did evan say one first or two no
we started with three
oh okay seven around i'll take hole one
it is time
for a just got tag update just got tag
just got tag update uh well i was
requested specifically to do a discount
tag update i'm glad you picked this
let me go pull it up i wonder why
all right our top 10 for discap number
10 dave searle that's a name i've heard
i think kenji said he's a newer player
does anybody here know him no
all right number nine jeff wychowski
oh yeah number nine yay
number eight number eight josh weinstock
all these people have one round played
uh numbers
i'll tell you when if that changes
number seven tyler caldazza
tyler calzada i'll edit that
back to my what i said i'm preserving my
collapse for at least the top three
number six josh nguyen number five greg
number four with two rounds played
hudson valley disc golf
zone jamin hume
number three tag with two rounds played
tim giardini
i know him too number two three rounds
joe giskolka the two tag holder
and the number one tag with three rounds
played as well
plus uh he lost to the tag two kenji's
so really for
four rounds yeah yeah four rounds jason
le lassasso
way to go jason nice and oh i would like
to point this out i'm glad
that jason did uh kenji who came in with
the four tag now has the 59
oh yeah that's important to know uh
more important pat has the 39 tag so
that's yeah all right all right uh and
this has been your discount tag update
that was hole one joe you haven't picked
the hole yet have you
any hole i like uh well you you can't do
one three or seven
let's do hole 12 uh we're just sticking
on the front nine
so you can only do one yeah all right
joe who is the next million dollar disc
oh it's got to be i want to say hamburg
hill i say his name again heimberg
heinberg but you know
it depends is it by sponsorship or is it
by like self-generation because i know
like brody smith has been like
just because of his channels and
everything he's doing like is he
generating without sponsorship nearly a
million bucks from like
youtube videos and whatnot is i would
say like announced
no announced yeah contract wise i would
i mean somebody young somebody really
young and whippy because he's crushing i
mean everything i see
he just keeps crushing and crushing and
gonna crush some more
here's the problem with heimberg though
he's sponsored by innova so unless he
changes his sponsorship he's not gonna
get a million bucks
they prefer to give a million people a
somebody wants to steal steal him
because what he just got
macbeth did leave me this costs a lot of
money i don't know i still i'm still
blown away i don't know where all that
money is coming from i know
this golf's popular yet nobody knows
i'm sure i'm sure that this craft
executives are
rolling all night in their sleep
wondering where that money's coming from
and watching the first tournament too
he's like our golden boy
not doing it well he just won the
memorial i guess
so that's good he'll be fine
i think it might be eagle oh yeah that
that would be my guess
he's very young he's like 23-24 then
he's just young he's not very young
just clarifying well i'd say
yeah relatively young it could be that
the next million dollar disc golfer
might be 17
you know that's true just off our radar
that's true
i would say though in terms of raw skill
or raw talent eagle's elbow
bends in ways that not many others
can but i also think that discmania
takes their
pro sponsorship very seriously
and they they show that by not honestly
sponsoring too many players
you know you think about who's dysmania
sponsored on tour right now it's
simon very warranted right
kyle klein who i think they were very
in picking up when he was a rookie and
then he wins the amateur
you know world championship and now he's
on tour and frequently
a top finisher and then you know eagle
those those are their pros other than
you know obviously a little bit more
a european focus but it seems to me like
they're prioritizing their talent
and i think that they'll make sure that
their money is well spent there so i i
think that he's
probably the next pro that's gonna get
the the check
in my opinion any thoughts evan if i was
going merit based i would go with
paige pierce probably yeah i agree with
that and she's
you know pound for the pound probably
the best golfer out there
certainly the best swing i mean it makes
sense to me
it's equitable she's already there in a
place where
the talent is valued and paid i think
that's what i would have said
if they have any money left which of
course they didn't in the first place
good question pat yeah who will be the
next person promised a million dollars
uh jack why don't you pick another hole
i will choose eight
whole eight what would you like to talk
about oh
crap i would kind of like to talk about
the ridiculous that's happening
tournament registration fails i think
toxic i think that somehow
we've fallen into this entitled place of
like somehow i deserve to be in a
and there's so much talk about
why didn't you make your tournament more
suitable for me to be in it when
the whole story is scarcity and we you
were tournaments selling out quickly a
year ago yeah they were
our tournaments you know were
tournaments on this trajectory
yes but you know tournaments are sort of
in the state that they are and the way
golfers levy this vitriol against
the volunteers who are running events
it really has me sickened i want to talk
about that joe your thoughts
it's it's again careful what you wish
for right everything we wished for but
at the same time
well now we're overrun and everyone
i mean everyone always had that tight
family club feeling i belong to these
but you know it used to be when most of
those people were volunteering
for the event as well i could have most
people want to be in the event
volunteering for the events at the same
i think it's one thing too is like
pushing the volunteers and i don't know
if that helps
change the registration events you just
got too many people not enough forces
saxophones there you go more more and
more what else can you say
well i i think the obvious thing is just
raise the price
does that really though because like
really what's what's the is it is it ten
dollars twenty dollars
what's going to dissuade and what poor
people elitist disc golfers can't afford
to play this oh yeah
and then you give it to the poor i'm
going to say what's what's what would be
that price point that would dissuade
you know a bulk of people i'll tell you
a lot of people were complaining about
sponsoring a hole
i sponsor a hole to to get a early spot
in a tournament maybe that's it or early
registration sponsor holes yeah but then
that's still
it is though like what people do that
already stuff though for real like what
are you supposed to do
you know is that really fair though like
you don't got the cash you really can't
yeah what is this canadian hockey
well it's also covered here too people
you know maybe it's part of
i mean we have the increased players but
it's also people are losing their minds
to get out and do something too right
right this is the thing that i've been
banging on
this pot for a month and that's that
these events
don't have competition and it's not just
that they don't have competition from
other disc golf events
they don't have competition from your
niece's birthday party
right they don't have competition from
your bowling league and they don't have
the sort of competition
from your wife that's says oh you think
you're going to go play disc golf three
times this month
she's like please go go go please get
out i'll sponsor a whole i'll sponsor
the whole goddamn course
yeah now it almost feels like a
privilege to
be able to play in a tournament and in
some ways
that kind of brings about the question
of having to
earn your right to play in the
and how do you do that i think that one
way to do that
is monetarily if you can sponsor a whole
you deserve
early access but i also think that
should be given priority i think
divisions that we're trying to promote
women juniors
yeah women and juniors should get
priority i also like the idea of
the ratings based early reg so like i
like the idea of
for mpo you know the 970 cut off
yep interesting for me so i've been over
and my latest ratings bump i should say
lack of bump went down to 9.65 and i'm
like crap i have to start playing
better again that's actually like the
first time i've ever felt that
you know yeah right so so i think that's
nice so
this is a thing that craig cutler
brought up that i liked a lot
which was what's the purpose of the
and the answer's going to be different
every tournament but you know i'm
specifically talking about
this dumpster fire about the new jersey
state championships
there are people on there in you know
ma2 and ma3
that wish they could have gotten in but
adam harris set
the tournament up for ratings based
and it's on a timetable so the first
rating level that opens up is 970 or
something like that and then another
you know 950 and up can register and
then 9 30 whatever
it is and the answer with that
particular tournament is what's the
tournament for
it's to crown a new jersey state
so how critical is it that the ma3 guy
gets into that
you know your 865 ma3 guy how critical
is it
that he played and i say in that
particular event
not that critical at all because we're
trying to crown a new jersey state
and that's not that guy so i buy into
the ratings based
entry schedule for that that makes sense
to me people hate
on the sponsorship and i can see
you saying okay you're gonna make disc
only be for the people who can afford it
but that's not what that exemption is
higher tier events for you know from bt
or on up has a fundraising requirement
and you know that's on tds and clubs
organizers to find that money
and so i see no problem with letting in
first because there's a sponsorship
requirement for the purse there's a
sponsorship requirement
for the amateur side as well you're
expected to
it's been a while since i looked at
their requirements 125
125 yeah sure right so how do you get
part of it has to be raising cash for
you to supplement player packs
it's on the tournament director to raise
funds why can't the tournament director
award sponsors with spots to meet that
getting back to what craig cutler said
and this is what is
not currently in the dna of most
tournaments what's the purpose of the
and i think if you start with that and
you make a mission statement for the
ahead of registration you say this
tournament is
you know to bring competition
opportunities to amateurs
in the eastern pennsylvania area right
then you can figure out how to allocate
spots then you can figure out how many
spots you're going to give to your
how you're going to award some of the
early spots
and maybe even disincentivize
the player that the tournament is not
and so if it's an event for ams you can
disincentivize it by not offering cash
payouts for any divisions
and then probably pros are going to lay
off that registration
and you know you're going to get a field
of people for whom the tournament
was made to serve but i think that goes
a long way what
craig cutler is talking about there i
don't know if he intended to say it but
i take it to mean the tournament should
have a mission statement and i think
when you start there you solve a lot of
and you answer you answer those
questions that come up in forums
immediately with your mission statement
rather than having to sort of back pedal
i mean i think it's really interesting i
can't think of a single tournament that
an objective like that i think other
than ice bulls
right and events that are charity
i can't think of anything that's
explicit like where they've actually
established it right women's global
event right that's clear
but you're right i think that that also
brings into a consideration
of where which i know it's probably easy
to change in pdga but like if you're
trying to crown the new jersey state
champion do they have to be from new
you know like isn't that something to
think about that's in the mission
right so in which case you might be
invitations to say the top 25 pros in
new jersey and then
you open it up further right i love the
idea and i
i don't think that anybody's really
talking about that
so that's really interesting because i
think that could solve
a lot of problems i i will say that in
i think we definitely have more
tournaments than you guys
in westchester just because we have a
lot more honestly tournament directors
yeah i think it's a more mature scene
overall yeah yeah i'd say so
but we have a a couple of tournament
directors now that are that are catering
to ams
there's um uh this guy brian bockington
down here he runs i'm talking like a
tournament every weekend
and i would say 80 percent of his
tournaments are
r for ams and he's clear about the fact
that his tournaments are for ams
and he only gets about five pros to show
up for it
but he's developing a following and he's
serving a community that is underserved
from a competitive perspective
so i i think that's interesting i've
never even thought about it that way
i asked a question on the wedge page a
week or so ago
asking like what other sports
or games do you participate in
for money or other prizes
it got huge responses 60 plus people
chimed in with you know what else they
did it you know including things like
ball golf bowling billiards darts
and i was sort of like leaning this way
to begin with but like
nothing works like disc golf nothing
works anything like this
closest thing is some am golf
tournaments but i know i know a handful
of players who've played in
traditional golf tournaments but that's
it other
i know tons of people who play golf but
none who play in tournaments
and you know i know people who play in
leagues and bowling leagues and dart
leagues and all these other things
but like none of them are for your entry
fee times 125 percent
in player packs nothing works like this
and maybe
competitive play for disc golf will end
up in the hands
of professional disc golf like legit
professional disc golfers maybe
tournaments aren't for absolutely
and i don't think they will be i you
know with the ground swell
that we're seeing i think you're going
to see many many many more
recreational players of disc golf who
are going to be like
recreational bowlers and they're going
to bowl
four times a year and they're going to
disc golf four times a year
i just think we're about to hit an
explosion of dubs
yeah sure like small informal type of
things like that where it doesn't
require as much uh
you know prep the san diego aces has
something like
six or seven doubles a week
including an invitation only doubles
which is for basically i don't know like
9 20 and up doubles
last time i checked but yeah like how
many tournament directors
are there going to be you know we're
talking about our problem is a lack of
volunteers to be tournament directors
how many do you think we're going to
you know that that make it so that the
fool's fest
may be an unapproachable event for a
of golfers the thing could get big
that it's a four-day pro event or a
three-day pro
event i don't mean to single out wedge
but it is
possible that there will never be enough
to handle you know demand for
these tournaments and then you know if
you go into ratings
and like i was saying mission statement
what's your tournament for right if your
is for competing you know to be
the best golfer on that day does the 880
need to be in that competition he need
to be in that hunt i don't know
yeah it's interesting i think when you
when you think about um
how there aren't a lot of sports that
are similar what i think about is when i
used to
i used to run long distance i used to do
a couple half marathons
that's something where you you know you
do spend
i'd say 50 to 100 bucks for
t-shirt basically the right to run on
the streets
right in a t-shirt that you might you
might wear
right so like 5k is 10ks that that was
one of the first things that i came up
that i thought was anything like it you
know where like a couple hundred people
show up to run this 10k
and you shell out 25 bucks
yeah right and there has to be a staff
organizing that there has to have been
permitting there has to have been
there have to be volunteers you know
handing out cups of water and pointing
you the right way and ringing cowbells
or whatever it is they do
they're not charging 75 fees and giving
you a backpack
and some sneakers
what the are we doing
yeah what what are the events that
because honestly there's so many now and
you have to really want to get into one
to be able to play in one
but there's so many more informal things
that are going on
around the uh you know on the weekends
with singles and
dubs and things like that and i feel
like there should be more
unsanctioned tournaments available to
to fill that need you don't always have
to go to a pdga
event it's an issue because for some
clubs and some parks you know you have
to be
insured through the pdga to to be able
to run an event right you know so you're
you're kind of stuck there
and i know you can get exceptions to run
relatively unsanctioned events
or things that feel like unsanctioned
events like snowballs
you know with exceptions and going
through that process
with the pdga but you know not
everything needs to be the fool's fest
that's right you know
and and it's tough but that's what i
think we're getting more of in pa
it's like you know brian's running
events and and we've got
mike salt you know mr disc golf running
events and we've got
you know just a lot more and berea is
you know over the border in new jersey
so i feel like we've gotten a lot more
supply from a tournament perspective and
to me it's like
well now i'm choosing what do i want to
play in well
yep that's the answer to scarcity yep
yep more supply
hopefully you know capitalism kicks in
and guys can make some money doing it
and that's how the
the need is met because socialism
isn't working to meet the needs of
disc golf it really isn't you know and
when you start thinking that way ryan
you start thinking about less sanctioned
events that you know those are events
probably that better serve the needs of
your club
they have to be more gratifying to the
volunteers that are
doing it and so i mean on that end of it
it makes me wonder you know what's going
to incentivize clubs
you know to run b tiers and a tiers
yep you start to ratings base it and
you're going to start drawing better
professionals from further away
to the exclusion of lower rated locals
and that makes sense to me once you've
slapped a mission statement on the
on the tournament once you've said
what's what's this tournament about but
we don't do that until it's
haphazard it's all over the place this
tournament is about
providing a great entry-level experience
value proposition for the recreational
and also finding out who's the best
yeah you know you know bums me out is
that right now with all of the the
registration headaches
and the scarcity it's making people say
like well you know i don't want to grow
the sport
and that's just that's just so bad on so
many levels
you know and it's it's a problem that i
the pdj should be more can i just say
the pdga isn't doing about it
the pdpa is doing less than anybody else
you know they they came out with a thing
maybe a week ago saying uh
oh you know with with the increased need
for events
here's a link to how to run a pdga event
oh that's great i don't care and there's
other things too like the
the holding spots for women i think as
we i talked about this before but i
think it has an adverse effect
so you hold spots for women and there's
12 spots sitting there for women who
who haven't registered yet and now you
the 12 top men on the waitlist hoping to
god that no women register
right there's just horrible incentive
structure right there
right so it's bad but the pga is doing
nothing to support their cause
they are so reliant upon clubs and
the benevolent tournament directors and
and what they're doing to support them
is laughable
hey i think they might do something
i'm not generally like uh super down on
the pdga
guy i think they neither do good work
but i don't know
if they recognize this problem they sure
aren't showing it and
i'm going to be mad until they do like
they need to support tournament
directors in new ways
they need to i think you're on this
verge of
reducing supply of tournament directors
because of
they already do a hard job now they're
getting abused for doing it in a way
this guy doesn't like or that guy
doesn't like or this is how they should
have done it
as if somebody pays them to do this or
as if they're profiting from doing this
i'm not sure that you're not on the cusp
reducing supply at a time where supply
needs to be increased we need
more tournament directors not less but
you know throwing at tournament
directors while they're trying to
do a good thing is not the way to get
more tournament directors it's exactly
the way to get less
and it's sort of stunning you know newer
players first tournament
second tournament that guy's gonna pipe
up and maybe he's going to get stomped
down but
i see it coming from seasoned veteran
who who should know better yeah yeah
that's what i'm seeing as well
it's very disappointing pat you got any
more whole you got anything
fun pat anything yeah fun that me and
let me take a look i will say it's
having the adverse effect for me though
it's making me more i don't know more of
an evangelist
and i want to do more now yeah so i see
becoming motivated to do more do more
writer yeah
yeah but i don't i don't know pat is
hole five available
name the most random major league
baseball player from your youth
uh no margarita that's a good one that's
that's the name that comes to my mind he
could be a pitcher for the red sox
uh shortstop there you go
shows you how much i know i'm gonna get
so much for that
uh jack what do you got catfish hunter
all right pitcher
hell yeah hall of fame pitcher
i knew it the name that got me thinking
of this was uh
kent herbeck kent herbeck played for the
twins back in the
80s with kirby puckett does uh does
dustin pedroia still play for the red
sox he was always my favorite player
i think he might have just retired but
if not
this year recently whole would you like
to play uh let me get hold too pat
sounds good we'll do uh disc or no disc
titles uh who's going first ryan will go
yes sir ryan this is the battle of west
allen chestertown
oh man west jester
allen town ryan what name is given to
any teacher
in japan not necessarily in martial arts
sensei is the sensei a disc it is
it's in the active line of the dismania
december 5th 2019. yeah baby
thank you uh karate kid the reboot
uh jack what was the name of the
internet browser released by netscape in
crap wow what was the name of the
internet browser released by netscape in
oh i think i know it oh man i'm gonna
get a steal out of this
god damn it it wasn't just netscape
is it safari ryan it's not is it
oh yeah is the navigator a disc you know
it doesn't sound like it's in any of the
manufacturer's vocabulary there's a
i'm going to say yes full turn discs
august 13th 2016.
ryan scott carpenter pete conrad and
sally ride are members of what
professions hall of fame
uh astronauts is the astronaut a disc
spike hyzers all day
um no discmania february 22nd
2021 what brandon you got
that's such
it's five nothing here you guys
what word comes from the old french for
a soldier sent ahead
to clear the way today it refers to the
first settlers
of a region what word comes from the old
french for a soldier
sent ahead to clear the way today it
refers to the first settlers of a region
pioneer is the pioneer a disc
yes latitude 64. oh yeah 23rd
2018. on the board nice ryan
in 2007 nickelback sang
i'm gonna trade this life for fortune
and fame i'd even cut my hair
and change my name to be what nickelback
nickelback oh my god going back and
rebanks here
in 2007 nickelback sang i'm gonna trade
this life for fortune and fame
i'd even cut my hair and change my name
to be what
i'm i can't think of a single nickelback
song i just see his hair
that's all i see i have no idea why
i give up pass jack you got this one no
no nickelback is in the wrong pocket
rockstar is it rockstar is the rockstar
a disc
no way wow ah let's see
v rock star
rock three star there's a star rock
there's a star
rock i'll use one of my tricks
uh yes that was less than confident
discmania february 22nd 2021
oh another one oh wow i was trying to
draw out final answer
final answer yeah
pat we know your tricks uh this is
jack's right that was a steal right yeah
so this is jack's regular question
down 5-4 now though now it means one who
in medieval japan what name was used for
a property holder who
received rent from serfs though now it
means one who serves
in medieval japan what name was used for
a property holder
who received rents from serfs uh
it's samurai is the samurai a disc
yes gateway discs april 22nd 2012.
oh my god did he just take the lead six
oh if it was wrong i was going to go
with shogun because that could have been
the only other answer
all right what you got in 1192 gotoba
was emperor when yoritomo received what
title as military dictator
in 1192 gotoba was emperor
when yuri tomo received what title as
military dictator
1192 a military dictator
emperor so probably a dynasty of some
what would the military leader be called
in a chinese dynasty i thought you were
going to say in a chinese diner
i don't know shogun you got nothing is
the shogun
a disc are you are you serious yes
oh that's awesome i was dying for you
not to say it
for some reason i was thinking china oh
that's awesome wow
um uh uh no discmania february 22nd
brutal all right well we're tied at
so is this for the win for the win or
the win yes oh
ah i knew the shogun was a disc dammit
jack final question
double indecency and sky tannic are
episodes of what show
about the title spy whose code name is
archer oh damn it
is the archer a disc yes
this craft december 7th 2016.
well i guess we know where all the
talent lies in houston chestertown
you know it seems like it's a pretty
pretty fair team
you know yeah i agreed contributions
across the final score eight to six
yeah could have gone the other way could
have gone the other way
all right uh you guys got anything
before we hit we head out for the night
no thank you for uh thank you for a
little bit of fun at the end there i was
really like down on
disc golf i know we're part of this that
a little bit interesting but um well
thank you guys for coming thanks to evan
and joe
sweet up hudson valley and sweet up
joseph mason
yeah for sure thank you pat thank you
pat have a good one
it sounds as if oh he's in he's in joe
has arrived
you're in i am here i've made it yes hey
what's up brother universe hello i'm
actually remote in manhattan right now
ooh that's exciting i just got a two and
a half hour tattoo
oh of what uh it's like uh there's a
statue of hercules in the cypriot wing
of the metropolitan museum
so i had like his bust put on the inside
of my bicep
this guy he's wearing like a bare skin
that's awesome
it's pretty cool actually hurt like the
i got the needle today too oh what not
but i only wear you because it's big max
yeah i only let him put it in once
are you is that the one it is only one
yeah yeah
yes we got the single i got the j yeah i
got one more i got my second one on
april right now do you have any concerns
either either way like joe are you like
why did i get two
and jack are you maybe i need a second
one you know i mean is there any of that
this was the the first one that came up
so i took it
and you know there are there there
appear to be
uh pluses and and minuses to both but
pretty much insignificant so i think i
was just like
three weeks behind the signal dose when
i signed up
so they were still um they only had the
moderna i think
in our area yeah both both reduce
hospitalizations by like yeah i mean
don't die right that's right that's it
that's all you want
i'm not going to the hospital and i'm
not going to die yep
yep check sign me up due to coven
due to kovit
yeah a bus will still kill you no i i
drove away today thinking like
okay i've eliminated like one of the ten
thousand things
yeah it really is more for other people
like i said we're
carrying my partner caretaking her mom's
got me it's alzheimer's so it's like
it's really just her i mean because she
wasn't she just just got her first dose
so it was really
keeping her from getting yeah killed i
wasn't worried i was sure i got it the
first day
it was like renounced i'm like i'm
pretty sure
on that note welcome to the hudson
valley disc golf podcast my name is pat

English (auto-generated)
